
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Expiration date on make-up???

I got inspired to do this from this TV show call "Hwa sung in X-file"화성인 X-file, they were discussing about "Do people watch what they put on their skin?" This is very questionable yes i know! :]

It was mostly about the expiration date on your makeup, skincare, brushes. Yes, I know brushes? of course brushes too. Let me get into details, does anyone out there buy their makeup, skincare and tools knowing when the product was manufactured? and do you really take a good care of your make-up tools?

Personally, nope, its ashamed but i never did....smack smack!
When you a skincare product or any makeup you are suppose to know when the product was manufactured so that you will have longer time of period to use the product before the expire date!

화성인 X-파일을 보지못하신분들을 위해, 포스팅을함니다~
저도 마찬가지로 화장품 유통기한을 많이 신경쓰진않아요.. 많이사다 모으는것만 잘하지, 유통기한이지나 버려야된다는 생각은 잘안하거든요. 스킨케어 제품들은 6계월안에 다 사용하고 재구입을하지만! 색조화장품은 잘못하겠더라고요 너무아까워요!!!!!!!!!...
버릴려고 마음을 먹으면 아...괞찬을껏같은데 라는생각도 많이 들고요 다들 느끼실꺼에요.
하지만 유통기한이 지난 이런 상품을 계속쓰게된다면, 노화가 빨리오겠죠.
동안이 대세이니, 피부관리를 더욱더 열심히해야겠내요 :]

꼭 제품을사실때 꼭꼭 잊지마시고 제조일자를 꼭 확인하시고 구매하시길바래요!
Powder= 1 year
Eyeshadow, lipstick, and Mascara= 6 mothes

파우더= 1년
립스틱, 아이세도우, 마스카라= 6 계월
Most of products have expiration date, on the first picture where 6M means 6 monthes after opening.
Lotion, serum, toner, and facial mist = 1 year
Cream formulation= 8 monthes
Sunblock/Suncream= 3-6 monthes
6M 이라고 쓰여저있는것은 유통기한날짜에요,
오픈한 동시에 쓸수있는날짜가6계월이라는거에요!
로션, 에센스, 토너= 1년
크림= 8 계월
선크림= 3-6 계월
 What it saying is, when brushes rate is below 10(RLU) is consider to be a clean brush. When you don't wash your brush after one use and if you reuse it the rate becomes higher which is equal to a sweaty woren socks. Also unwashed sponge ,makeup puff, and eyelash curler becomes higher rate than dirty toilet.

1 comment:

  1. i love makeup i feel like going to sephora and loading up
